Corporate Training by IITM


We are a Corporate Training provider organisation, based at Kolkata, with services extended to Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha/Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Sikkim, Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Indore, Pune, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan & Mauritius. We provide both Soft Skills and Basic Software Training. Our Corporate Training Programs are aimed at enriching the work place and creating a positive environment of confidence, Free from biases of any kind, being harrassment free, teamwork, cooperation and efficiency through properproblem solving and decision-making. We believe that good communication within the organization is extremely important, and so is teamwork, being Stress free, being effective in managing time and performance. Training programs are customized according to needs of every group and therefore the objectives of each program are clear and achievable.

Training Workshops are conducted for full-day(8 hours), half day(4 hours) and mini workshops(2-3 hours)

Language of training can be English / Hindi / Bengali / Nepali

Popular Training Topics are

  • Assertiveness How to be more assertive:
    The path between being Submissive or Aggressive, having self confidence and control, the assertive vocabulary. Voice control and
    modulations, being calm and confident. Body language of Assertive people.
  • Basic Computing Sills A course for begginers in computing:
    Introduction to computers, Basic operations in OS, Copy, Paste, Move files, Edit files,
    Basics of office operations using computers,
    Creating and editing documents, Spreadsheets, Creating Presentations,
    Using internet, email basics
  • Building High-Performance teamQualities of a high performance team:
    Activity oriented session indoor/blended/outdoor.
    Team vs Groups, Team Roles, developing a communication code in team, building trust,
    Situational Leadership, defining team objectives and roles, accountability, responsibility,
    motivating self and team, joy of performing together
  • Business CommunicationBasics of Business communication:
    What is Business Communication? Understanding the communication process, communicating towards a desired end result.
    Understanding body language, developing articulation skills, Telephone and email etiquettes, writting effective emails, giving and receiving feedback, reducing mis-understanding, questioning to clarify
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Corporate Etiquettes
  • Creative Thinking
  • Customer Service
  • Dealing with Difficult People
  • Decision Making
  • Digital Marketing and SEO

  • Effective Communication Strategies
  • email Etiquette / Netiquettes
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Feedback Process
  • Goal setting
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Interviewing Skills
  • Listening skills development
  • Leadership
  • Meeting Management
  • Motivating Others
  • MS-Office: Word, Excel, Powerpoint
    Basic and Advance

  • Negotiating Skills
  • Performance Management
  • POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harrassment) What is Sexual Harrassment:
    The history, What does the law say?,
    roles and responsibilities, types of harrassment, rights,
    process of complain registration, redressal,
    commities, how to make the work-place safe?
  • Power of Positive Thinking
  • Pre-Retirement Training
  • Presentation Skills / Public Speaking
  • Problem solving
  • Relationship Management
  • Retailing Skills
  • Self Motivation & Success
  • Selling Skills, Concept Selling
  • Stress Management
  • Team Building / Team work
  • Telephone Etiquette
  • Time Management
  • Understanding Body Language
  • I-Sustainabilty & Environment Orientation